COVID-19 Wills and POA
During this COVID-19 global crisis, we need to ensure that our legal rights and wishes are protected. If you are currently separated from your spouse, it is imperative that you have a will and power of attorney in place to protect your personal and proprietary rights.
Often couples believe that once they commenced residing separate and apart that their former partner no longer qualifies as a spouse and therefore the Succession Law Reform Act is not applicable. This is not the case and it is important for families going through transition to have their updated wills in place.
We realize now more than ever that these uncertain times are changing the landscape for how businesses operate. As such, we are ensuring our client’s needs are met while still being safe and physically distant to help ‘flatten the curve’.
If you are contemplating in having your will planning done, we encourage you to contact our office. We are conducting client interviews and meetings electronically so that you will not have to leave your residence and can focus on being healthy and safe.